God’s Time to Act - Our Time to Believe

Have you felt as though you have been asking, seeking, and knocking with little response of answers, solutions, or breakthroughs? Be not discouraged, regardless of the anti-victory voices repeatedly playing in your mind. God defends His people. Of all that you know about God, has He ever failed to fulfill His plans. Jeremiah 29:11 talks about the plans that he has for you and how they will prosper you. But earlier in the Bible , we are reminded that “He looked down on the people of Israel and knew it was time to act (Exodus 2.25).

While this is a new month, I guarantee there have been some carry-overs from the previous month that do not deserve to enter this seventh month. Therefore, I believe that July will reveal our God who will act swiftly to alter any plans of the enemy, but also the plans you may have that do not align with His.

Now we must trust God. as He acts, we must believe and trust Him with all of our heart. The struggle must end to worry about how things will work out. KNOW God and have CON that He has already fixed it, provided it, healed it, etc. This is possible when we make time to commune with God and then take Him at His word. In the book, The Heavens Declare, the prophet encourages us to stand firm and declare the Word of the Lord and to remember that God is not slack according to His promises.

God will defeat your enemies. You must stand when all accusations come, when disappointments hit your heart, and when it seems as though the everything is against you. Know and believe, because you know God, that nothing will succeed against you because God is with you and has heard your cries.

You are secure in God. It is time for God to act and for you to BELIEVE!


It’s the New Year


If We Only Avail Ourselves to Him